
Showing posts from November, 2021

Documentary trailer link

Story Board Ad

I could use this ad to persuade my audience by focusing the viewer's attention on the fact that the university is not advertising mental health awareness week this year at all. It is next week and until I realized from this ad that UKY did this, I was unaware of its existence. This year Mental Health Awareness Week is November 8th-12th. It is 4 days and I haven't seen, read or hear anything from the university. This feeds right into my statement in my presentation last week. Why doesn't the university promote this subject at all? Why have these events if they don't spread awareness about them?

Story Board Audience

 I need to consider a lot of things in terms of my audience. I need to present my information in a way that is accurate and not made up of assumptions. This is a difficult topic to speak about and I need to make sure I do it correctly so that I accurately represent college students. I don’t want to put words in their mouths. I also need to be conscientious of the fact that I am writing on something that is very complex and I can’t personally relate to every aspect of it. I relate to a lot of it but not all. When writing on a sensitive topic like mental health, I need to make my argument extremely clear to the audience. My audience will be fellow college students but also the University of Kentucky. Hopefully my documentary can help shed light on the issues I am going to present.